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Madison Metropolitan School District

Kennedy Elementary Traffic Safety Plan

We have created a school traffic safety plan so all students arrive and leave school safely.

Whether you drive, walk or bike your child to or from school, please read the guide and determine a plan for getting your child to school safely and ensuring the safety of all Kennedy students on their way to and from school.

We encourage students to walk, scoot or bike to school!

If You Walk to School...

Always use the crosswalks and Adult crossing guards to cross streets - don't cross mid-block. Adult crossing guards are located at Agate/Meadowlark and Milwaukee/Meadowlark.

If You Bike to School...

Helmets are strongly encouraged when riding a bicycle to school. MMSD requires bikers to have a helmet on school grounds. Board of Education Policy states that a student age 10 or older may ride a bicycle to school. An adult must accompany younger bikers to school.

It is important that you walk your bike when you get to the front of the school near the entrance. Please remain on the sidewalk and off the grass. Riding bicycles on the playground is not permitted. It is important to lock your bike in the bike rack (back of school near playground) during the school day.

If You Drive to School...

We recommend that you park and/or drop off your children in the following areas:

  • Meadowlark (school side south of Flint Lane): Drop your child off in the No Parking area, but do not leave your car unattended. Do not stop or turn around in the fire lane/service drive.
  • Meadowlark (across from school south of Agate): Drop off only in No Parking area and have your child cross at the crosswalk at Agate with the adult crossing guard.
  • Meadowlark (school side south of the staff parking lot): Park and walk with your child to school, except in designated No Stopping/Standing Parking area.

Pull forward to front of drop off areas.

DO NOT drop off/pick up on the corner of Agate and Meadowlark in order to avoid congestion and unsafe conditions.

U-turns are strongly discouraged anywhere on Meadowlark, Agate, Jade, and Retana.

Parking/Drop Off/Pick up is NEVER allowed in the bus loading/unloading area in front of the school during school hours.

Stop your vehicle between 10 and 30 ft. from crossing guard; remain stopped until everyone has returned to curb.

Observe the speed limit. Slow down to 20 mph when children are present.

The school parking lot is for staff only. Do not drop off, pick up, turn around or walk your child/ren through this area.

Observe all street signs and follow the traffic, parking and pedestrian laws outlined below:

  • "No Parking" areas do allow for drop off or pick up, but you cannot leave your car unattended!
  • "No Stopping, Standing or Parking" means that student drop off/pick up is NOT allowed.
  • It is illegal to leave your car unattended in a fire lane. It is also illegal to park within 10 ft. of a fire hydrant.
  • It is illegal to park within 4 feet of a driveway; 20 feet of a crosswalk; and 30 feet of a stop sign.
  • Motorists must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing a street at any marked or unmarked crosswalk where there is no traffic signal. Pedestrians do not have the right of way when crossing mid-block. Please use designated crosswalks.
  • It is illegal to double park to drop off/pick up your child, even if you remain in the car.

Special Note: The Madison Police Dept. may ticket any parent and/or caregiver who break these laws while dropping off/picking up their child.

Traffic Map described on page

Yellow Indicates drop-off/pick-up allowed
(No Parking - 7:30-4.30 on School Days)

Green Indicates recommend parking